Faunist Initiative

Faunist Initiative

Didn't you know? You're also a faunist
We are a community of people committed to the welfare of animals and the preservation of our ancestral relationship with them
And that advocates a sensible and realistic way of understanding and living our relationship with animals
The concept

The concept of «Faunism» was born with the aim of giving a name to a community that has so far lacked an identity; to give a name to our natural and spontaneous way of relating to animals and the environment

Our bond with animals

The Faunist Initiative believes that our bond with domestic and pet animals should be lived from emotion, but also from reason and objectivity. They provide us with companionship, food, work… We should treat them with respect and care for their welfare

The environment

The Faunist Initiative assumes as its own the need to act proactively in favor of the protection of the environment and biodiversity; to mitigate as much as possible the negative effects of our massive presence on the planet

I am a Faunist because...
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Faunist Declaration

See the Faunist Declaration presented at the Universal Fauna Congress 2024.

Join the Declaration

More information

Visit the website of the Faunist Initiative

Visit website